Friday, January 30, 2009

Ghost, Guns and Roses

Bad Moon Rising..

"Don't go around tonight,Well, its bound to take your life, There's a bad moon on the rise...."

I wanna tell u guys something that happened on the 28Th, well i kinda didn't wrote this one any sooner cos i was still hanging around my late grandma's house paying homage and doing some cleanups. There was no Internet connection in the old house unless u drive 13km down to the nearest town. Anyway, either it's freaky, nonsense or sounds a little bit phooney even, it's up to you guys to decide on that. Okay? Good...

It was around 12.32AM ( 0032 hours if you wish) i was still reading my old school days novel collection stash in the closet. Halfway through my STAR WARS, i head a thumping on my window panel. The first thing came up my mind was some giant Cicada's banging itself at the window confused and attracted by my bedroom light.

The rest of the house is engulfed in darkness. Even the outside compound was dark. My mistake, i was so immense with my old books i even forgot to switch on the house lights (except for my own bedroom) the thumping sound repeats itself for a steady 10 minutes. I'm aware of the sound but i didn't give much attention to it at all.

After a while the thumping stops. Around 1.12AM it started again. Thumping on my window panel. Its not one of those violent loud banging, its just like a steady soft knocking. By this time I've already stop reading and going all ears listening to the weird sound. I dare not take a peek. Good thing my window is covered by a thick curtain so at least nobody can stick their head in and take a sneaky peek at their own will. Plus, even though it was one of those old typical traditional house, every window panel is grill enforced. At the very least, there's a little extra bit of security around the place.

Around 2.00AM the thumping stopped 5 minutes later it started again. This time i jumped of my bed threw my book away and rushed out my bedroom door. In case you been wondering why it took me that long to start making a move, basically the thumping sound comes from a different window panel, and i have a feeling that whatever or whoever making all that rapport is definitely not Mr Cicada's.

Trying as best as i can not to make to much noise, i grab my flashlight mobile phone and my old grandad shotgun, lock and load and find myself the most suitable place to make a stand at least until the morning sun comes out. So for the rest of the night i bunked myself in the house dusty store room with the gun pointed at the door. I dare not fall asleep, not knowing what's the real situation outside, frankly sleeping is not an option. It was so dead quiet in there you can't hear whatever happen outside.

I come out of my store bunker the moment i realize sun ray seeping from the roof cracks. Looking all around the house expecting signs of burglary, i found nothing. Huh? Everything's intact. Nothing broken.

I remembered a few years ago there were burglary attempt on the house, where people trying to banged grandma's door open but luckily a car passed by this desolate road and the car bright lights spooked the burglar away. I also remember that earlier that day i was murmuring corny jokes to my neighbouring cousin that it's been a year since i didn't come back to see grandma house, and i won't be surprised if ghosts started to stay at our place. If the is any i wonder if i might end up seeing one or two. Sheesh...

Oh did i mentioned shotgun?

This Chinese New Year, my family settled our inheritance issues according to my late grandma's will and as i see it, there are a lot of terrified faces around looking at what i received from the lawyer..

I manage to inherit some of the coolest properties in the family tree. Ironically, while other family members end up getting a piece of land, a box of jewelry and other stuff fit for 'inheritance' HOWEVER what i get is mostly weapons and firearms? (what was my late grandma thinking when she wrote down her will?)

To my dad's horror, i end up being the rightfull owner of my family's shotgun. A single barrel that goes back as far as the Comunist aggression period of the 1960's. By right the owner of family inheritance specialy when it comes to firearms and weapons would be male, thus my dad was expecting the gun gonna end up with him. However....

I have heaps of doubt wondering if it's safe to post firearms and all that on a blog. Next thing you don't wanna get is ISA or FBI and CIA even, knocking on your door for some Q n A. Tangerine keep persuading me to do so, thinking that its cool to post such stuffs...

These are the bullet for the guns, note that there are two types of ammo with different colours. Each type serve different functions. The green one is more widely dispersed and meant for long range firing while the shorter blue one are short distance but more devastating. (it can blow your door out of it's hinges)

Divinekid if you're reading this, maybe i reconsider our issue of posting my picture without proper permission back in Watermarks Project and chase you with my gun instead of stabbing you with a kitchen knife. Kidding....

Another interesting thing that was passed down to me was a Borneo Native War Sword. It has a beautifull white sheath and hilt made from deer horn.

The sword was made more for striking instead of fencing or blocking attacks because the hilt have no ring to protect the hand (like normal swords) it's kinda crude and elegantless of a sword, but the scary part is...

..noticed that when i compared the size and length with a normal standard sized sword its almost twice the volume, it's almost like the same length with a standard size medieval two handed sword or a katana...

..put it alonside the shotgun and it's almost similar in length, and plus to my dismay,'s as long as my standard loveable spear, but the spear is more lighter and more agile, and will be my forever favourite. It's going to take a while for me to be able to weild and swing the big bad sword with one hand (im struggling with it in both hands now) and barely manage to draw it out smoothly due to similar reason.

Now, given such power in your hands, what would you do with it? There are people in this world entrusted with power to do just about anything they wish for yet, they failed to save a single life in this world.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ultra Mega Chiongster

I've seen Tangerine's Blog and i think having a moderately small font size is neat. Thus, i am implementing the same thing to mine as well. I however, would firstly apologize if the font was rather microscopic to some of you out there.

The Chinese New Year celebration of 2009 end up in sky shooting, ear deafening extravaganza display of fireworks. Ironically, this year i will be the one sitting on the balcony munching New Year's food while watching the younger family members launch their artillery barrage to space. A month ago we were celebrating New Year and Christmas, a month sure passed by so quickly. Before we knew it, i might be going 30's.

The weather had been bad, epidemic was everywhere. The river was muddy and brownish and small smelly puddles had been developing on bare soils around the house. Some low lander experience floods and roads become inaccessible. During my younger days flood was never this drastic and rain was never this heavy. Could Global Warming be the answer, or the District Office screwed up with the town drainage system again? (shrugs)

I went back to check on my Grandma's house a day before CNY. The house was so abandoned the whole place feels kinda creepy. The decks are falling, dust are everywhere and the tiles are littered with dead insects and house lizard droppings. It took me a whole day just to clean up a spot so that i can sit down. The next door neighbours are gone, mass migration to the city. I'm expecting that in 10 years time nobody lives here anymore.

Approximately one and a half (unless the child is anxious to come out earlier than expected) month more to go. Basically, it's kinda wee bit boring agenda for the past 7 months but, just like the preparations for some kinda Olympic's finally here! After this the real work begins, I'm including midnight sudden wake ups, diapers, chicken pox vaccinations etc etc ..breast feeding? Do they have a manual on that? Hello....?

OK so now...of to the next issue...

p/s: I really wanna tag Rose, but too bad she'll be offline for more than 2 months. I wish to know her personal view on this boycott thingy, and am wondering is she can boycott her fave McD (if she is up for boycott). Anyway if she reads this, consider that I'm tagging you too, Rose!

-Alonqexe; from The Realm Of Alonqexe

I kinda squint my eyes on this one. I was tagged into this "chain-letter-of-death" game. Supposedly, i should list out 5 companies i wish to boycott, 5 more i was going to boycott and plus, another 5 that i find hard to let go off. Well, there is a famous saying "curiosity kills a cat", and i bet i was tagged because people wanna know how the noodle in my head works.

There, we go..

List 5 companies / products i wish to boycott:

1. Nokia

For the past 3 years, my friend Tangerine had been running her campaign of "forget Nokia, choose Sony" campaign. She stress out that Sony is better in design, sound quality, interface vs Nokia's durability (which she claims that the issue can be solved rather easily with Sony's mobile phone casings) Personally, i was disappointed in my Nokia 5300. The sound was kinda choppy and the interface was rather ugly. A definite total pawnage if i compare it to Tangerine Sony Phone Walkman W380 series. I might trash my Nokia and swapped it with Sony in this short period of time. If you owns a Nokia, you noticed that there was little being done about the ugly phone interface. Nokia lovers, this is MY PERSONAL OVERVIEW so don't start sulking at the back and boycott me in the process.

2. Carrefour

Look, if you're looking for "Jack Of All Trades" store please go GIANT, TARGET, HARVEY NORMAN or PARKSON even (or at my place, the local NGIU KEE) 'cos as for Carrefour, i had some kinda lifetime grudge over the electrical brand qualities after a couple of wire extensions and plugs nearly blew up on my face. (..are those SIRIM labels for real?) I was one unhappy Carrefour (former) customer.

3. Starbucks Coffee

Coffee? No thanks..and uh... coffee that cost you 12 bucks plus for a sip, that's utter nonsense. Look, you rather burn your cash for a medium size iced blended i rather make my own at home. But if some think that expensive are classy, go get your coffee done in a five star hotel. Starbucks: price over product, it rather didn't tip my scale. (smirks)

4. Wonderbra

Flat chested, unite! This is one of those self esteem pranks. Wearing one is just like lying to yourself...(mind you I'm a B,)..what am i saying...

5. Dr Pepper

Try drinking one, even mud water taste so much better. It's a 10 cent version of Coca Cola.

5 Products I Will Start To Boycott

1. Disney Movies

The latest flick, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL...well remind me of a line on Smash Mouth song. "Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.." it didn't hit me at all. Where's Captain Jack Sparrow when you need one?

2. Danone

They do no mercy to my teeth and gums. Every single one of em. The cookies and stuff are to sweet to my liking. Maybe they want the world population to be toothless by the year 2013. Mind you, I'm avoiding dentist for life, falling in love with Danone would be troublesome.

3. Tommy Hilfiger

I used to buy some sweaters and track pants consistently from this brand. But now i find that the target buyer had shifted more towards men, or maybe my own interest has shifted. Anyway, my interest in this brand is deteriorating.

4. CNN

Two words...Utter Bullshit (and the shit keeps piling up)

5. ICQ

Think it's a waste of time. Nuff said...

5 Products I Find It Hard To Boycott

1. McDonald

Personal Confession: Just last night, i was munching on a Double Cheeseburger, and my husband he was kinda make this cloudy veeny face at me...(i keep on munching anyway..I'm a McJunkie) I'm loving it..tara pa pa pa..oh so sue me...


You're kidding right? With a baby due in March we need a whole armada of Huggies. You're expecting me to start boycotting this lifesaver now? I'll pass.

3. National Geographic Channel

Read my lips "Over My Dead Body" nobody is allowed to change channels.

4. Intel

My PC runs on Intel, and in comparison with other microprocessor that I've known, i find Intel Pentiums the most reliable for my type of work.

5. Nestle

I open my food cabinet and realised that 80% of the stuff in there are Nestle's. I been feeding on em for the last 28 years.

That's it Alonqexe. ..thanks for the tag. Remember that people who tagged are prepared to be tagged themselves, in the future..perhaps.

- I've done my tag task..

High noon of 2009, after a light shower, i hit the road looking for Mr Rainbow. Hoping at the end of it, (as the legend says) sits a pot of gold. I was under my rainbow when i snapped this picture and there was no pot of gold anywhere too be seen...i guess the legend was untrue. Ironically, the road at the end of the rainbow leads straight back home.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


"humanity is the only living being,

capable of ending its own existence...

the end of the world - will be by human own hands"

ps: My Post Kinda Freaked You out this time?

I was wondering,

How could i raise a child,

In this chaotic world we lived in today...

Will it be alright?