"ok, nobody is allowed to ROFL."
I would like to congratulate this anonymous old man for grabbing my attention and make his way into my blog. Now you might wonder, why in hell am i running around stalking and taking pictures of an old half balded man in a shopping mall?
-cos I'm pissed

I went to the mall one evening, getting myself things for dinner and all that...cutting the details (3 unagis, 2 bottles of Coca Cola, bunch of Spaghetti's and a Coleslaw later) like many good citizens we were lining up to pay for whatever stuff we took from the shelves.
Like many other malls in our beloved country, 3 out of 4 cash counters are empty so the lines just got longer......
As expected customers are unhappy and they are hungry for blood. Minutes later another counter was opened and lucky me i was the second person to be in the new line.
Until this sucker came by..
...he swiftly, without a single word intercepted my line, put down his cans of preserved veggies and God knows what else he buys on the counter, pays for it and walked away like nothing ever happened (of course for him NOTHING ordinary actually happen) -so i flipped up my phone took his picture and swear I'm gonna make him famous in the cyberworld.
Why do you need to be so angry he just cut a line in front of you, its no big deal isn't it?
Of course the world wont torn to two nor the sky reign fire due to his inappropriate behaviour but an elderly man should be familiar with the word courtesy don't they? At least he can just say a simple line like...."Excuse me I'm in a hurry, can i cut in front of you? I'm terribly sorry." - sure no problem, I'll be more than happy, just ask and i gladly give way too you without any complains. But dashing in front of people in a place where you need line up just like any other didn't even apologise or even state out a good reason for your unfavourable actions, you must be a monkey in a mans suit.
This old man already lived for so long with this kind of mentality, what deed(s) he taught his children(s) back home. I wonder if he choked himself on his canned preserved vegetables he just bought if he ever saw his face being advertised in here. I'm looking forward to see that.
So to ill mannered people out there, look out for a nerd in black, cos who knows..you're next!