Okay, okay...so sue me..
So lemme guess, some might think i was out on a limbo again and got myself lost all over the globe. As a matter of fact, i did.
So lemme summarize what crashed in while i was offline:
Im getting more and more late-coming-home-from-work nowadays and when i arrived at my doorsteps all i can think off is catching lots and lots of Z's ( Sleep = 1 Blogging = 0)

Now you buy yourself a nice healthy bottle of Coca Cola, stuck it in the freezer (where you turn your meat and fishes into chunk of rock hard ice) take it out after 2 days, shake it a bit, twist the cap and...BOOM! One messy kitchen sink coming up.....and one angry husband, if you end up being caught red handed.

...also, my KFC still had it's feathers attached to it...
spying...neighbour buy new furniture...
So guys, bear with me while im recollecting all the happenings in life (also editing some of my travel pictures -which was painstakingly tiresome) ..the weekends perhaps? Chiao!