Didn’t expect a new post will be up so soon right? Hurrah for fan boys (and girls)
I need to get rid of some of the old drafts for my blog to be posted A.S.A.P (yes, I do drafts days earlier before I posted whatever things I wanna write in my blog, by doing that I won’t do a scramble panic mode when something interesting pass me by.
Not to mention picture editing and posting can take an hour or two more: In addition if you are Tangerine, you gonna waste another extra hour to make your post look so colorful like M&M candies: well, that’s her trademark anyway…)
After being absence from my computer for weeks (I lost count) the machine starts to act up on me, to be precise it was Tangerine who spotted the abnormality. The HIDDEN FILES stays hidden even though you click frantically on SHOW ALL HIDDEN FILES options in tools. That is a problem since I have two big chunks of hidden important files inside my personal database. Thus we had no choice but to format the tin can once again. First things first, backups or posted or whatever else needs to be done.
I was thinking to nail some wheels on Abigail’s crib and tie a rope to the crib’s end so that I can carry her around between every part of the house. Maybe I manipulate Vladurac and ordered him to shop for some rubber wheels in a nearby hardware store. Abigail’s an avid sleeper, the moment she wakes up that’s a sign that she is hungry. Can’t wait to see her crawling around and start to walk. Yet again, a baby that mastered the “art of walking” will start to learn the “art of grabbing anything that interests you” which is the main cause of baby accidents of running around with kitchen knives, kissing a hot kettle or end up buried in a rubble of toppling things. Toddler stage is gonna be tough, I somehow can feel it (antennae waving around looking for a signal)
Now for the big chunks..
Seeing Tangerine posting on AIC Memory Lane..look, I have to apologize to you all that until the end of AIC, I was unable to find the time to post any forumers evaluation on the forum. The fact that I’ve promised to post it again and again made me look twice as bad.Thus during this “nothing to do” moments, I take my chances and took a shot at it. With outmost honesty, sarcasm, critical overview and frankness that might pissed you guys of (at the very least I have no bitter thoughts left hiding in my sleeves):
One of the first handful of Badguy’s Inc remnants, that greet my flamboyantly incoming into Flame 13th (Amen) forum. I still remember her first post in my INTRODUCTION thread, “Where do you come from?” which I replied with “From the third rock of the sun.” - “Oh! So you must be an alien then. ”Don’t you regret ever meeting one? In addition, also the he only person whom I wish to kill by my own hands; posting my face on Mana’s Watermarks Forum without the slightest permission.
Looking back at it, I’ll reconsider. Vladurac was also too blamed for posting it in Badguy in the first place. Then again, thinking of the epic 147 views that I get from such a small society forum (I have to brag, I have only one piece of picture in my gallery and it become an instant hit..muahahaha) maybe I just forget about it. IF I CAN FORGET ABOUT IT (my ultra mega memory is killing me..)
Sometimes I find her annoying that I wish to strangle the life out of her (i really do!) especially when I was down on my mood and tolerating cavemen symbols like: >_>, 8B, >: online. Plus, she is one of those under aged person who will reluctantly post things on her blog using the magical “4 letter word” when she is mad at something or anything. Anyway, what’s the standard age for explicit language?
Never mind…oh and how is your diet program going?
Recently being studying a lot, I choked on my Pepsi Max the very first time I heard it from Tangerine for the sake of going on a trip to Japan (such generosity from your school is almost unrealistic, but if that’s true then so be it) I don’t wanna messed up with your sudden hyper drive (since study seems to be last on your list –not to mentioned melting iceberg in Antarctica, poverty and child prostitution on the streets of ********, global warming and apocalypse) but at least we can be happy that you are studying for the sake of something no matter what it is. AT LEAST! Good luck and all the best: don’t waste that once in a lifetime (free) chance. (for a 17 years old)
Yesterday you were dying for Abigail’s Chinese name? S.Z.M –Soon Zhao Mei
Now pay me RM300 for that.
Nobody sees her coming, nobody cares, but in the end nobody expect she’s going to be a “permanent resident.” She was kinda stagnant when she first comes into Badguy forum. The first thing that came across my mind was; she’s gonna be one of those COME AND GO forumers.
Now where did she stash the one and only black and white picture of her, the ones posted at Badguy Inc?
Honestly I really do – evaluating from the static post counts and replies. Even when she’s migrating too AIC the tempo didn’t change much.
She went from passive to active during the pre-sig-battle era. Probably second to Michii to contribute so much into anything graphics an ability that personally for me, still needs to be refined and grind… If you are serious about doing CG.
Still recall the day when her SPM results beats Rarsa from GForum. 3 cheers – hurrah!
You still listen to metal songs?
Seriously I tought you gonna vanish into thin year after AIC gone idle.
Recently, after the end of "The Forumming Era" (stretching my neck every once in a while looking at what’s people talking about on their YM) Ravenmin and Tangerine can be found online, always on a hot topic discussing about Kingdom Hearts and Squaresoft games, or is it Kingdom Hearts and Squaresoft good looking CG boys….(my radar are going wild again)
Heard that she’s working and studying at the same time. Must have been busy, but a quarter a mile better than Tangerine.
I have this weird vibe, that if Gackt say “Hi!” from her back, she’s gonna melt into some liquid substance and get washed away into the monsoon drain.
Fiez / Sanji Q
You might not expect this, since you are one of my avid blog follower / fan boy, consider this as a special service (in comparison to your poor posting and contribution in both Badguy and AIC – remember, I was one of Badguy moderator for around a week before the whole forum spins around out of orbit)
Same question like Ravenmin, you still listen to Metal Songs?
If I recalled, you had a record of staying at the United States, correct?
You once do rollerblading (a wild guess) correct?
I also guess that you still stick too MSN while a large number of the world population that you knew was on YM, correct?
You hang out with girls because you found them interesting, correct? (This question was originally Tangerine’s. Beware, she is reading you with her demonic mind probing ability) Anyway, just answer away..
My house is situated right in the middle of two doctors. One is a fresh graduate and is working at the local General Hospital (according too his father..) and the other guy already opened up his own private clinic somewhere, somehow, whatever..
Apart from the fact that the doctor that owns a private clinic is chubbier that ones working in the General Hospital, i noticed after countless hypothesis: spying (not stalking) and neighbourhood small talks, these two doctors shares one thing in common. They can only see straight. Both always come back to their humble abode late, almost midnight..they didn't socialize much in comparison to others and you can almost catch a glimpse of em carrying around thick medical books and just read them as pastimes activities.
Then i start to wonder, "Wow! If studying medic for decades is not enough, and the working hours is like loose ground on a landslide, not to mention the stress from having a job which people life hangs in the balance...i wonder, did all this robbed their social interaction ability. Come on guys, a smile or a "Hi!" can do..no need to give me that Frankenstein face every time we saw each others....
Well, Alonqexe, I've been evaluating you for ages and countless of time, this time i want you to prove to me that "Doctors have no life or an anti-social lot" is an understatement.