Monday, October 20, 2008

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

"Let me going to be black and red in colour?"

-Ravenmin via YM know what? You're right! So I'm here to make your assumption come true.

Rearranging some of the blog materials, more systematically so to say, don't wanna end up with a cluttered chicken barn. It's easier than start anew (unless you are a template design freak)

Deleting some of the older post (all but one and separating them into categories) easier to flip the pages in case someone or anyone wanna re-read older posts...or missing it

Oh..and the reason behind the pitch black template...

....need i say more?


alonq_exe said...

It's black! Wah!

And how did u do that? The download thingy? Woho. Gotta teach me that later.

And your banner, there are 2? The watch and the text?

p/s: Blog orang gila. LOL.

Sanji desu! said...

Yesh she is gile.. that's why we follow her blog no? 'coz it's.. omoshiro >:3 *ebil laugh*

I thought BLACK Metal means black? o.o

Rose said...

what's "omoshiro"?

dictionary please...