The Chinese New Year celebration of 2009 end up in sky shooting, ear deafening extravaganza display of fireworks. Ironically, this year i will be the one sitting on the balcony munching New Year's food while watching the younger family members launch their artillery barrage to space. A month ago we were celebrating New Year and Christmas, a month sure passed by so quickly. Before we knew it, i might be going 30's.
The weather had been bad, epidemic was everywhere. The river was muddy and brownish and small smelly puddles had been developing on bare soils around the house. Some low lander experience floods and roads become inaccessible. During my younger days flood was never this drastic and rain was never this heavy. Could Global Warming be the answer, or the District Office screwed up with the town drainage system again? (shrugs)
I went back to check on my Grandma's house a day before CNY. The house was so abandoned the whole place feels kinda creepy. The decks are falling, dust are everywhere and the tiles are littered with dead insects and house lizard droppings. It took me a whole day just to clean up a spot so that i can sit down. The next door neighbours are gone, mass migration to the city. I'm expecting that in 10 years time nobody lives here anymore.
Approximately one and a half (unless the child is anxious to come out earlier than expected) month more to go. Basically, it's kinda wee bit boring agenda for the past 7 months but, just like the preparations for some kinda Olympic's finally here! After this the real work begins, I'm including midnight sudden wake ups, diapers, chicken pox vaccinations etc etc ..breast feeding? Do they have a manual on that? Hello....?
OK so now...of to the next issue...
p/s: I really wanna tag Rose, but too bad she'll be offline for more than 2 months. I wish to know her personal view on this boycott thingy, and am wondering is she can boycott her fave McD (if she is up for boycott). Anyway if she reads this, consider that I'm tagging you too, Rose!
I kinda squint my eyes on this one. I was tagged into this "chain-letter-of-death" game. Supposedly, i should list out 5 companies i wish to boycott, 5 more i was going to boycott and plus, another 5 that i find hard to let go off. Well, there is a famous saying "curiosity kills a cat", and i bet i was tagged because people wanna know how the noodle in my head works.
There, we go..
List 5 companies / products i wish to boycott:
1. Nokia
For the past 3 years, my friend Tangerine had been running her campaign of "forget Nokia, choose Sony" campaign. She stress out that Sony is better in design, sound quality, interface vs Nokia's durability (which she claims that the issue can be solved rather easily with Sony's mobile phone casings) Personally, i was disappointed in my Nokia 5300. The sound was kinda choppy and the interface was rather ugly. A definite total pawnage if i compare it to Tangerine Sony Phone Walkman W380 series. I might trash my Nokia and swapped it with Sony in this short period of time. If you owns a Nokia, you noticed that there was little being done about the ugly phone interface. Nokia lovers, this is MY PERSONAL OVERVIEW so don't start sulking at the back and boycott me in the process.
2. Carrefour
Look, if you're looking for "Jack Of All Trades" store please go GIANT, TARGET, HARVEY NORMAN or PARKSON even (or at my place, the local NGIU KEE) 'cos as for Carrefour, i had some kinda lifetime grudge over the electrical brand qualities after a couple of wire extensions and plugs nearly blew up on my face. (..are those SIRIM labels for real?) I was one unhappy Carrefour (former) customer.
3. Starbucks Coffee
Coffee? No thanks..and uh... coffee that cost you 12 bucks plus for a sip, that's utter nonsense. Look, you rather burn your cash for a medium size iced blended i rather make my own at home. But if some think that expensive are classy, go get your coffee done in a five star hotel. Starbucks: price over product, it rather didn't tip my scale. (smirks)
4. Wonderbra
Flat chested, unite! This is one of those self esteem pranks. Wearing one is just like lying to yourself...(mind you I'm a B,)..what am i saying...
5. Dr Pepper
Try drinking one, even mud water taste so much better. It's a 10 cent version of Coca Cola.
5 Products I Will Start To Boycott
1. Disney Movies
The latest flick, HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL...well remind me of a line on Smash Mouth song. "Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb.." it didn't hit me at all. Where's Captain Jack Sparrow when you need one?
2. Danone
They do no mercy to my teeth and gums. Every single one of em. The cookies and stuff are to sweet to my liking. Maybe they want the world population to be toothless by the year 2013. Mind you, I'm avoiding dentist for life, falling in love with Danone would be troublesome.
3. Tommy Hilfiger
I used to buy some sweaters and track pants consistently from this brand. But now i find that the target buyer had shifted more towards men, or maybe my own interest has shifted. Anyway, my interest in this brand is deteriorating.
4. CNN
Two words...Utter Bullshit (and the shit keeps piling up)
5. ICQ
Think it's a waste of time. Nuff said...
5 Products I Find It Hard To Boycott
1. McDonald
Personal Confession: Just last night, i was munching on a Double Cheeseburger, and my husband he was kinda make this cloudy veeny face at me...(i keep on munching anyway..I'm a McJunkie) I'm loving it..tara pa pa pa..oh so sue me...
You're kidding right? With a baby due in March we need a whole armada of Huggies. You're expecting me to start boycotting this lifesaver now? I'll pass.
3. National Geographic Channel
Read my lips "Over My Dead Body" nobody is allowed to change channels.
4. Intel
My PC runs on Intel, and in comparison with other microprocessor that I've known, i find Intel Pentiums the most reliable for my type of work.
5. Nestle
I open my food cabinet and realised that 80% of the stuff in there are Nestle's. I been feeding on em for the last 28 years.
That's it Alonqexe. ..thanks for the tag. Remember that people who tagged are prepared to be tagged themselves, in the future..perhaps.
- I've done my tag task..

High noon of 2009, after a light shower, i hit the road looking for Mr Rainbow. Hoping at the end of it, (as the legend says) sits a pot of gold. I was under my rainbow when i snapped this picture and there was no pot of gold anywhere too be seen...i guess the legend was untrue. Ironically, the road at the end of the rainbow leads straight back home.
Oho! I really appreciate it that you spent some time answering the tag. I know i would get some kind of unique responds from you.
Impressive. Impressive.
Oh yeah, i like the new template, though at first i thought i landed up on Tangerine's place. Anyway, it is orange after all. You sure didnt waste your time while preparing for the big day. :D
Oh, dont worry about the text size. If they find it too small, they could just Ctrl+Scroll your mouse to enlarge or to make it even smaller.
An update? finally ^^
Gong Xi Fa Chai!
You would like to order boxes of strawberries from my grand parents island? I give you a special discount :3
Ah. My bad. I forgot to wish you..
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
and to you too Tangerine! And every Atlantians that celebrate CNY no matter where you are.
Aahah.. Macam ucapan salam perantau.
Happy CNY!~ Ang pauu!!~ XD
Seriously, SonyE is better,
but it dies 2 months after you buy it. [ I runo bout malaysia ] at here the software always catches problems and repair for 2-3 weeks with bullshit service.[ How I pity my sister ] :3 My Nokia 6288 is lasting me for a year now, and god knows how many times I dropped it.
Personal Overview - Both is the same. [unless you buy a shitty phone that is.]
Oh yeah.
National Geographic Channel? meh. I thought you don't watch tv well and yeah, History channel too. o_o
Don't worry so much. I BELIEVE you will be a GREAT mum. :3
Thanks for the greets.
Well i watch any History Nat Geo Discovery Animal Planet (all those geeky stuff) you might think off -and "YES" that includes Mythbuster.
As for the hardware thingy, i believe that in carefull hands, anything can turn to gold. (as the saying goes...)
i wan ang pau oso!
i find it hard to boycott vry2 important stuffs.. like Intel. >.<
stuff like F&N and Carrefour are ez~
Sadly some of this companies, we heavily rely on throughout our lives, mainly daily usage or consumptions.
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