Friday, September 11, 2009

Im Not Dead Yet! Not Yet! Really.....

"Im sorry..i really am! Hahaha...(miserable laugh)"

A thousand apologies and a gallons of tears won't make up for all those dissapearing act i ever pulled on you guys out there. Some might say i have vanished from cyberspace, some might think i am now fully focusing on life so i abandoned my Net stuff. A little bit of both but the real thing is, i honestly not in the mood for the last couple of months.

Not to mentioned most bloggers i ever knew are as half camatosed as i am...but hats off to Kishi for keeping himself updated and make me feel like a teribble sinner for not ever updating mine.

How long has it been? Months? My lack off updates tortured yer souls? Hope not...too be honest i was stressed over my work, can't help it cos im restless. I tried to pick a fight with my husband but even i get bored of it after a while. Well...i dunno what to say, talk about my messed up life later. for now, it's another HELLO for the folks who wish i was already six feet under!


Sanji desu! said...

YAY! UPDATES!!! I FEEL FREE!!~~ Lol unrelated.

Well to be honest I rly think u wer superb-busy. and not focusing any time at all in cyberspace. which is the "a little but of both" Lawl

The lack of a chatbox makes things worse. Rawr!

And I don't update regularly, only like once-twice per week. I'm busy too. >w<

Waaah~ I mish yr crazy words! Rofl!

alonq_exe said...

At last. After seeing your name in my feed reader, i quickly jumped here.


how long not update haa? bad mom. lol