It's Labours Day. Technically it's just another Friday away to soon for the weekends.
My mobile phone has been dead for a week now (the speaker was blasted and you have no idea on any incoming calls unless you hold it all the time to get a hint from it's vibrating motors) - i got tons of miss calls, and a zillion more messages left in my box. Everyone was screaming for me to pick up the phone...later.
Oh.. the credit card guy left me the most messages..
We went out for out (late) morning breakfast at about 11.00 in the morning, only too find that the place is jammed packed with people. Our order went haywire. Orangehead had 2 servings of fried noodle cos she was near starvation. My partner nearly send a tray of noodles airborne when he was in a near collision state with one of the speeding waitress..A vendor accidentally gave me a change 2 times what her dim sum worth. Of course i keep my mouth shut and keep the bounty.

The day is hot and everyone sweats like a...sweating machine. We tried everything, Air Conditioning, Iced Cool Cordial drinks, quick cold shower...phailed
That evening i got a call from my mate asking me if i wanna come over to some local artist studio just to hang out and stuff. I had nothing to do and was desperate to get myself as far away from the heat and humidity so i tagged along.
It was a simple studio on top of a two storey shoplot. Antique but interesting and such. He and his hommies did a simple jamming session for us all, talk about music soundcheck, editings and stuff... plus we got a sneak peek to his 3 unreleased demos. Damn, there goes the phone when you desperately need one hell of an event recorder.
Later hanging out at one of the club own by another one of the local celebrities here. To my suprise as the night creeps in, more and more VIPS, Celebrities, Deejays, Musicians and other BIG SHOTS making their entry at the front door. Wow...i gotta bookmarked this place. Is it me or did i saw Nikki Sixx there on the corner? Holy Cow!
Music pumping, sipping frosty coke and listen to people talking about careers, politics, travels and other cool stuff. (there was tourist from US, Swiss and Canada joining in to heat things up!) Nobody was paying for the drinks as a "well-known-guy" announce it to the people in the bar it's "on the house"...way better than a Roman Senate Assembly. Cheers...

It soothe my mood that was badly annoyed by the hot humid weather, i rallied up the family and drove down for a quite late dinner. No prob..cos the world today, everything is 24/7.
SUNDAY 03.05.09
Invited to attend the Labour's Day Buffet at The Four Points Hotel, Kuching. This was the first time i stepped on the building after it's completion a few months back....i was curious when it comes to a Five Star Hotel. Wondering if it's worthy the title.
Not bad...and the buffet that night was excellent. We had fun pushing the employees too "tank in" the oysters.
From the carpark and into the lobby...

A grand monument, but is it a chandelier? Dunno...just take pics.

The buffet will commence in here..

The restaurant is called The Eatery, i bribed the waiter a smile to take hurried shots of this one.

The Table are set...
...and every person is allowed to help themselves to the servings.
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